Thoughts on Diversity & Inclusion

Senior Leadership. Racial Equity.

“I didn’t know.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

One of the first, most meaningful things you can do is accept responsibility to engage, learn, influence, create and support organizational change. The greatest opportunity for significant change comes when the CEO is personally engaged and holding senior leaders accountable to make racial equity a priority.

Recognize that “not knowing what to do” is both familiar and uncomfortable. And as a leader, you have likely overcome discomfort to achieve organizational progress and results many times before. Urgency, focus, assessment data, gap analysis, budget/resource, planning and leadership engagement are necessary to achieve racial equity progress and results.

Re-engage your confidence and be open to expanded ways to achieve progress and results.

Learn how to talk about racism and antiracism.

“Antiracism is a transformative concept that reorients and reenergizes the conversation about racism — and points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other.”

How to be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi

Start the journey. People’s lives depend on it.

Karen R. Young